
What’s New

Here are just a few of the many new features in this upgraded version of Stat-Ease software. See the full changelog for a detailed list.

Excel Import/Export (Stat-Ease 360® only)

  • You can now export or import your design data directly to or from an Excel file.

Random Blocks (Stat-Ease 360® only)

  • A new analysis option is available to treat blocks as random rather than fixed. Random blocks are more appropriate for uncontrolled variables such as day-by-day or lot-by-lot.

Analysis Summary

  • The Coefficients Table has been replaced with the more comprehensive Analysis Summary. This node contains tables with comparisons of key values across all analyses.

Custom Graphs

  • The Graph Columns node has been replaced with Custom Graphs. You can now plot more than just the columns in the design, including data from any of the analyses. In addition, you can now distinguish plot data by size and symbol.

Shaded Intervals

  • Prediction, confidence, and tolerance intervals can now be set to “shaded” to color the entire interval width.

Hosted License

  • A new licensing option is available to host a network license at statease.com. This allows you to run the software on multiple devices without requiring an on-premises license server.