Evaluation Options

The evaluation options control what appears on the evaluation report. Check the box to make the item appear. The model and design being evaluated are specified on the model screen.

Report Options

Alias list: Checking for aliases is very important when working with designs based on fractional factorials.

Power: The power will be estimated for the three user entered signal to noise ratios shown for the model and design specified on the Model screen.

Leverage: Produces a leverage report

The leverage table can be sorted by any of its columns.

Matrix Measures: Computes several statistics used for advanced evaluation and design comparison.

Highlight corellation |values|: Sets the absolute value required before the numbers in the cells are colored.

FDS Table: Produces a table containing all the values used to draw the FDS curve. This is useful for showing the FDS curves with other software.

FDS Options

Calculate FDS using: (FDS) is calculated using a set number of random points within the radial distance (radius) of the center point. The number of bins determines the size of the FDS report as well as the smoothness of the FDS curve. The default setting for bins and points is a good compromise between accuracy of estimation and computational time.

Most designs are best looked at in cuboidal space, but spherical space is included as an option for research purposes.

The radius is the distance to the face of the cube or the surface of the sphere from the centroid. This option is not available for designs with constraints.