Webinars (Optimization)

Presented by: Mark Anderson on June 12, 2024
Category: Advanced

This presentation provides practical aspects for combining mixture, process and categorical variables into one optimal experiment-design using innovative "KCV" models. Learn about structuring combined designs with a case study on making delightful chocolate chip cookies.

Presented by: Mark Anderson on May 24, 2023
Category: Beginner

See how multicomponent and multifactor design-of-experiment (DOE) tools empower experimenters to quickly converge on the “sweet” spot—ingredient and factor settings that meet all specifications at minimal cost. All examples come directly from biotech industries.

Presented by: Mark Anderson on Nov. 16, 2022
Category: Science

By way of example, this presentation lays out a strategy for mixture design of experiments (DOE) that provides maximum efficiency and effectiveness for development of an ideal product recipe. It provides a sure path for converging on the ‘sweet spot’—the most desirable combination of components. Learn how to screen down many ingredients to find the vital few and then discover their optimal formulation.

Presented by: Shari Kraber on Aug. 18, 2020
Category: Optimization

Rollback the covers on the incredibly useful optimization tools provided by Design-Expert® software (DX). Discover how DX manipulates multiple response-models to search out the most-desirable sweet spot. Master the controls for setting goals, changing relative importance, and many other options that lead to an optimal outcome.