Modern DOE for Process Optimization

Use State-of-the-Art DOE Tools to Make Breakthrough Improvements and Optimize the Final Results

This comprehensive Modern DOE course is a case-study based workshop spanning factorial to response surface designs in one stop. Find out how to make breakthrough improvements using powerful design of experiments (DOE) techniques. Start by learning about using factorial designs for finding which factors you need to focus on. Discover previously unknown interactions that often prove to be the key to success. Use your resources efficiently with modern small-run designs that save time and money experimenting. Transition from factorials to response surface methods to optimize your products and processes. Tie all of this together by learning how to use powerful ANOVA analysis methods that give you confidence in your findings.

**Offered via Distance Learning (DL) **

Apply Tried and True Techniques

This workshop covers the practical aspects of DOE. During this DOE workshop, you will discover how to effectively:

  • Understand the motivation for factorial designs
  • Implement the DOE planning process
  • Interpret analysis of variance (ANOVA)
  • Discover hidden interactions
  • Capitalize on efficient small-run fractional designs for screening or characterization
  • Use power and precision to properly size designs
  • Determine when to use transformations
  • Explore multilevel categoric factors
  • Follow the strategy of experimentation from screening to response surface methods
  • Set up central composite (CCD) and optimal designs
  • Select appropriate regression models with model reduction
  • Optimize multiple responses
"Practical. Good mix of theory and application." —Chris Easter, Metallurgist

Simulations Provide Practice

Use Design-Expert® or Stat-Ease® 360 software to practice designing and analyzing experiments throughout the workshop. The software provides easy-to-use graphical tools to find key variables and view results. You will be given all simulation and data files used in class.

The Distance Learning version of this course will be run as five (5) half-day Zoom sessions - Monday - Friday (9:00am - 12:30pm US Central Time) in the stated week.

Course contents subject to change.

Session 1

  • Introduction to Factorial Design
  • HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT: 2^4 full factorial tutorial

Session 2

  • Enhancements for Design and Analysis of Factorials
  • Data Transformations
  • Blocking

Session 3

  • Fractional Factorial Designs
  • Small Factorial Designs

Session 4

  • Factorial with Center Points and RSM Introduction
  • Response Surface Designs and Analysis
  • Central Composite Designs
  • HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT: Response surface design

Session 5

  • Optimal Designs
  • Brief intro to Mixture Design
  • Next Steps

It will be assumed that all students have completed the following prerequisites. This knowledge is essential for success in the course.

Knowledge of basic statistics (mean and standard deviation), and exposure to simple comparative experiments (e.g. two-sample t-test) are required. To refresh these skills and review basic concepts and terminology, please take the online PreDOE course prior to the workshop. It takes 2-3 hours to complete. You can work at your own pace. Access to the PreDOE will be provided with your course registration materials.

Basic knowledge of Stat-Ease software is assumed. If you are not familiar with the software, then please download a trial of Stat-Ease 360 software (if you do not already have access to it) and work through the first tutorial: One Factor - Bowling, found in the Help system. This will show you how to navigate and introduce the basics.

PDHs: 15 (equals 1.5 CEUs)

The Distance Learning version of this course will be held via Zoom Meetings. You will need to download the Zoom Cloud Meeting app prior to the first session.

Recommended Texts and Software

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