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Speaker Bios

Our speakers are listed here in alphabetical order. More details on their talks coming soon!

We're still looking for more speakers! See our Call for Speakers page for more information on how to submit your talk. Deadline March 15.

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Hank Anderson

Vice President of Software Development, Stat-Ease, Inc.

Hank joined Stat-Ease in 1998 and became Vice President in 2020. He has spent the last two decades putting his expertise to use in the development and refining of Stat-Ease 360 and Design-Expert® software. He is also the lead developer of dexpy, an open source Python module for doing design of experiments:

Hank graduated with a bachelor's degree in Computer Science from Metropolitan State University, St. Paul in 2004.

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Dr. Martin Bezener

President/CTO, Stat-Ease, Inc.

Martin joined Stat-Ease in 2014 and was named President in 2020. Since then he has been putting his skills and knowledge to use in the development of Stat-Ease 360 and Design-Expert® software. He also does consulting projects and teaches Stat-Ease workshops on DOE. In addition, Martin co-authored the book Formulation Simplified: Finding the Sweet Spot through Design and Analysis of Experiments with Mixtures.

Besides DOE expertise, Martin is skilled in Bayesian statistics and statistical modeling, and statistical computing. Martin graduated with a bachelor’s degree in Mathematics from the University of Loyola, Chicago. He earned his PhD in Statistics in 2015 from the University of Minnesota.

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Morten Bormann Nielsen

Product Manager, Danish Technological Institute

Morten has a background as a PhD in chemistry but discovered a true passion for DOE after transitioning from academia to industry seven years ago. Working at the Danish Technological Institute, an industry focused R&D organization, he was shocked by how underutilized DOE is across Danish industry and has since focused his career on advancing DOE adoption.

Armed with Design Expert and a good dose of enthusiasm for statistical methods, Morten helps companies transition their R&D processes from traditional one-factor-at-a-time approaches to more efficient strategies that deliver better results with fewer experiments.

Eric Coppens

Erik Coppens

Scientific Collaborator & Domain Responsible, Belgian National Agency for Radioactive Waste and Enriched Fissile Materials (ONDRAF/NIRAS)

After his academic education, both in civil and industrial chemical engineering, Eric's professional career started in 2009 in a concrete research laboratory for the construction sector. He soon switched careers towards the nuclear sector and became a research engineer at the Belgian nuclear waste agency. It was there, through a collaboration with a nuclear research facility in France, that he was introduced to design of experiments.

Since 2020, he is Domain Responsible for both the Belgian nuclear waste management organization and the Belgian nuclear research center. In this role, Eric tries to coordinate research projects to explore synergies between the two organizations, reducing the double spending of research budgets.

Up to now his career has been in an R&D-environment. Design of experiments is from his experience an important tool helping to address the research challenges in a professional way.


Niels Dekker

R&D Manager Digitalization & Automation, AkzoNobel

After his MSc. degree in business and industrial statistics from the University of Amsterdam (thesis on mixture experiments), Niels worked in the gas and oil consultancy where he modelled project performance metrics and did consultancy work for the major gas and oil companies.

After seven years, he started at AkzoNobel as statistician returning to his roots in applying and teaching design of experiments and other data-driven tools in the different global R&D teams. Five years ago, Niels joined the R&D management of AkzoNobel but, as advocate of efficient experimentation, kept supporting the teams in experimental design and analysis.

In his most recent management role, he and his team are tasked to further drive and support the usage of automation, digitalization, and data-driven approaches into the R&D teams. Design of experiments plays an indispensable role in their strategy with a clear focus on practical usability of results with least amount of effort.


Andrew Macpherson

Managing Director, Prism Training & Consultancy

Andrew Macpherson has over 20 years of software development experience, and enjoys the most challenging data management, statistical visualization and analysis problems. As Managing Director of Prism Training & Consultancy, he has executive responsibility for the business; he also maintains the company’s statistical software tools, curates their library of training materials, and is a Course Leader for a number of their online and on-site workshops.

Andrew loves using, adapting and making software – and his programming, data management, analysis and visualisation skills are well suited to a wide range of
useful applications.

He has produced countless macros, scripts, automations and programs for more than 20 years; these greatly assist Prism’s clients, and allow the other Prism team members’ ideas to become valuable software tools. Andrew also plays a key role in moving an ever-expanding range of statistical tools to Prism's website, making them freely available to everyone.

Learn more about Andrew on Prism's website.

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Oliver Thunich

Managing Director, STATCON GmbH

Oliver Thunich is a manager and statistics consultant for STATCON GmbH, a German company specializing in statistical training, consulting and software sales since 1989. Oliver has a Master of Science in Statistics, with a minor in Mechanical Engineering from TU Dortmund. His current focus is on DOE and Industrial Statistics.

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Frank Westad

Data Analyst, Idletechs
Adjunct Professor, Norwegian University of Science & Technology

Frank Westad received his M.Sc. in Chemistry and Data analysis from the University in Trondheim, Norway, in 1988, and completed his Ph.D thesis “Relevance and parsimony in multivariate modelling” in 2000. He has published more than 50 papers and has also contributed to numerous textbooks. Over the years he has been giving 100+ courses on multivariate data analysis and design of experiments for companies within the food, agriculture, pharma, chemistry and energy industries. He is now an adjunct professor at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology in the Department of Engineering Cybernetics, where he teaches machine learning and Design of Experiments. Frank is an advocate for introducing the principles of DoE to students at an early stage, preferable in the first course on philosophy of science for STEM studies. His mantra is: “It is never too early to learn about DoE”. He also holds a position as Chief Data Analyst at Idletechs, a private company providing real-time solutions for process monitoring.