Capital C
Speaker Abstracts

These will be added as speakers submit their talks. Check back to see what's new!

We're still gathering speakers for the conference! Have something to share? See our Call for Speakers and submit a talk today!

ImproClean – Intelligent and resource-efficient monitoring system of process quality of disinfection and cleaning along the healthcare supply chain

by Oliver Thunich, STATCON GmbH

During the government funded research project ImproClean, Statcon performed multiple DoEs with the goal of predicting hygiene parameters along the healthcare supply chain. DoE strategies used for investigating laundry and surface disinfection processes such as optimal designs and design augmentation and their implementation with the easy to use features of Statease 360 are presented. Additionally, the application of the models generated in a data streaming and prediction platform, utilizing data from innovative sensor systems provided by the project partners will be discussed.

DOE: Developing Optimal Espressos

by Andrew Macpherson, Prism Training & Consultancy

Making a cup of coffee is simple, isn’t it? Well, yes… unless you’re a DoE trainer searching for a suitable topic to present at a glamorous international statistics conference!

When viewed through this Prism, brewing the perfect espresso transforms into a complex multi-stage process, allowing us to replicate many of the difficulties experienced by proper scientists.

This highly caffeinated presentation will offer practical solutions to real-world challenges faced by scientists, engineers and formulators from every industry. We will demonstrate DoE techniques essential to constructing practicable designs, generating reliable data, and reaching otherwise impossible levels of process understanding!