Surface Graphs

3D and Contour Graph Options

Graph Resolution: Changes the picture resolution.

Low: Very fast to draw and provides the smallest exported picture, but some graphs become jagged.
Medium: Less jagged than low resolution, but still fast to draw and the export file isn’t too large.
High: Produces smooth graphs, and is a good trade-off setting for everyday use.
Very High: Produces very smooth graphs, but uses a large amount of computing power and produces a large file when exported.

3D Graph Shading: Alters the appearance for 3D graphs.

Wire Frame: turns off all color on the 3D plot and displays a transparent mesh
Solid: sets the surface to a single color with a mesh on top
Std Error: colors the plot based on the standard error of prediction.
By default white represents 0.5 times the standard deviation or less and black represents 1.5 times the standard deviation or higher. These limits can be changed by right-clicking the color distribution bar on the legend.
Graduated: makes gradual transitions between contours. Uses reflection model settings.
Banded: makes abrupt transitions at contours forming a banded look. Uses reflection model settings.

Contour Graph Shading: Alters the appearance for contour graphs.

Std Error: colors the plot based on the standard error of prediction.
By default white represents 0.5 times the standard deviation or less and black represents 1.5 times the standard deviation or higher. These limits can be changed by right-clicking the color distribution bar on the legend.
Graduated: makes gradual transitions between contours.
Banded: makes abrupt transitions at contours forming a banded look.
Plain: sets the surface to a single color

3D Y-Axis Offset From Base: The relative height the 3D plot is above the drawing base.

Show projection lines from design points on 3D Graph: Toggle to turn the surface attachment “whiskers” on or off.

Show Contour grid lines: Overlays a grid on the contour plot at the axis tick marks.

Show 3D graph grid lines: Displays a grid at the tick marks on the walls of a 3D projection.

Use gradient fill shading for:

Display: Gradient fill looks very good when displayed within Stat-Ease 360.
Export: Gradient fill is not always well received by other applications as the files can get too big. Disable (default) this option if the exported picture doesn’t show all the color changes. Also consider using the File menu and Export Graphs to File.

3D Reflection Model Options

Use reflection model: When checked enables the options below.

Show Mesh: When reflection models are in use the mesh is optional. Try it, see which way you like best.

Light source intensity: Setting this to 1 makes the light so bright that all colors are washed away. Setting to 0 turns off the light source making the surface black.

Ambient constant: The amount of light “reflected” when the light would not actually encounter the surface at a given point. Setting this to 1 causes the surface to “glow” white. Setting this to zero causes covered points (including the underside) to appear darkly shadowed.

Diffuse constant: The amount of light reflected when the light does encounter the surface at a given point. Setting this to 1 causes points directly in the light to glow at full intensity. Setting to 0 only uses the ambient and specular settings.

Specular constant: The amount of light reflected along the angle of incidence from the light source to the observer. Setting to 1 produces white outs on the surface. Setting to zero produces no change to the surface given the light, ambience and diffusion settings above.

Specular exponent: A scaling exponent for the Specular constant. Has no effect when the Specular constant is either 0 or 1.

Light Source X, Y, Z: The direction the light is shining from. Setting these to the mid-point means the light is shining from within the graph points. This allows ambient glow, and specular projection (rather than reflection), but no diffusion.