Stat-Ease 360 will automatically fit up to sixth-order polynomials to model experimental results. The program also allows the user to define unique polynomial terms. Ordinary polynomials will be used for response surface and factorial designs. Mixture designs use Scheffe models. Scheffe models have the intercept built into the coefficients.
Response Surface Designs: Stat-Ease 360 will fit higher order models that have fewer than 400 terms. This implies the following constraints:
4 factors – up to sixth order model
5 factors – up to fifth order model
6-7 factors – up to quartic model
8-10 factors – up to cubic model
Mixture Designs: Stat-Ease 360 will fit up to a quartic Scheffé model that has fewer than 400 terms as follows:
3-8 components – up to quartic model
9 components – up to special quartic model
10-12 components – up to cubic model
13 components – up to special cubic model
14-24 components – up to quadratic model
Mixture/Process Crossed Designs: Stat-Ease 360 will not build crossed designs larger than cubic by cubic and any design is limited to 400 coefficients.