Fixed crash when running a Python script from the script editor.
Added R2 and PRESS to the get_anova Python method.
Fixed a crash when closing the script editor while a script is running.
You can no longer attempt to run a script while the editor is in listening mode.
When a factor is absent entirely from the model, it is now shown on the Factors Tool by default. Unused factors can be hidden via a toggle in the View menu.
IMPORTANT - In order to use the new Python features you will need to run pip install statease --upgrade
from within your virtual environment. You will need version 0.2.5 of the statease package.
Increased speed of classification calculations for Logistic Regression.
Improved responsiveness of the graphical interface when running a Python script.
Fixed a bug where new response values written to a response via Python did not clear the analysis.
The preference identifiers for use with the Python set_preference command are now listed when a preference is selected in the graphical interface.
Added a keepalive to the Python listener, so Stat-Ease 360 will no longer time out when doing long calculations via Python.
Fixed a crash opening the Antiseptic tutorial.
Added Python endpoint to read/write preferences.
Added Python endpoints for adding and deleting factors and responses.
Added Python endpoint to delete an analysis.
Added Real and Actual equations to Python ANOVA object.
Fixed missing p-values in Python ANOVA object.
Fixed Python scripts failing when non-ASCII UTF-8 characters are used.
When using set_model in Python, the previous analysis is now cleared.
When creating an analysis in Python, the list in the user interface is now updated properly.
Fixed display issue for UTF-8 characters in the Analysis dialog.
The smoothing parameter in Gaussian models now uses localized number format.
Fixed Design Layout not updating properly when setting factor and response data from Python.
The “Use Interval” checkbox in Numerical optimization will now show interval options.
Fixed missing “Edit Model” button in User Defined designs.
Gaussian Process kernel will now recalculate when changing the tuning parameter to “Manual”.
Setting and Response.units in Python will now set those values in SE360.
Added Python script window and integration with statease Python module.
Added Gaussian Process analysis option.
Added Latin Hypercube designs.
Added Optimal Space-Filling designs.
Added Classification node to Logistic Regression analyses.