Source code for statease.client

import zmq
import json
import base64
import zlib
import logging
from .response import Response
from .factor import Factor
from .analysis import Analysis
from .optimizer import Optimizer

logging.basicConfig(format="%(levelname)s: %(message)s", level=logging.INFO)

class HTTPException(IOError):

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        self.status = kwargs.pop('status', 500)
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)

[docs]class SEClient: REQUEST_TIMEOUT = 4000 REQUEST_RETRIES = 3 SERVER_ENDPOINT = "tcp://localhost:4900" def __init__(self): self.connect() def connect(self): context = zmq.Context() self.socket = context.socket(zmq.REQ) self.socket.connect(self.SERVER_ENDPOINT) def status_ok(self, reply): return reply.get('status', 500) < 400 def decode_payload(self, payload): payload_bytes = base64.b64decode(payload) return json.loads(zlib.decompress(payload_bytes)) def send_payload(self, payload): self.socket.send_json(payload) retries_left = self.REQUEST_RETRIES while True: syn_recvd = False if (self.socket.poll(self.REQUEST_TIMEOUT) & zmq.POLLIN) != 0: reply = self.socket.recv_json() if reply.get('status', 'NA') == 'SYN': self.socket.send_json({ 'status': 'ACK', 'count': reply.get('count', 'NA'), }) retries_left = self.REQUEST_RETRIES syn_recvd = True else: if self.status_ok(reply): if reply.get('payload', None): reply['payload'] = self.decode_payload(reply['payload']) retries_left = self.REQUEST_RETRIES break else: if reply.get('payload', None): error_msg = self.decode_payload(reply['payload']) raise HTTPException("Received error from Stat-Ease 360: {}".format(error_msg), status=reply.get('status', 500)) raise HTTPException("Received invalid response from Stat-Ease 360: {}".format(reply), status=reply.get('status', 500)) if not syn_recvd: retries_left -= 1 # socket is confused, close and remove self.socket.setsockopt(zmq.LINGER, 0) self.socket.close() if retries_left == 0: raise HTTPException("No response from Stat-Ease 360 after {} attempts.".format(self.REQUEST_RETRIES), status=500) logging.warning("No response from Stat-Ease 360, retrying...") # reconnect and re-send self.connect() self.socket.send_json(payload) return reply def prompt(self, message): self.send_payload({ "method": "POST", "uri": "prompt", "message": message, })
[docs] def set_preference(self, key, value, area = ""): """Sets a preference. :param str key: The preference key. This can be found in the Stat-Ease 360 preference dialog. :param str value: The value to assign to the preference. """ self.send_payload({ "method": "POST", "uri": "preference", "key": key, "value": value, "area": area, })
[docs] def get_preference(self, key): """Retrieves the current value of a preference. :param str key: The preference key. This can be found in the Stat-Ease 360 preference dialog. """ result = self.send_payload({ "method": "GET", "uri": "preference", "key": key, }) return result['payload']['preference']
def go_to_node(self, node, analysis_name): self.send_payload({ "method": "POST", "uri": "nodes", "node": str(node), "analysis": analysis_name, }) def open_design(self, path = ""): self.send_payload({ "method": "POST", "uri": "open", "path": path, }) def save_design(self, path = ""): self.send_payload({ "method": "POST", "uri": "save", "path": path, }) def list_analyses(self): result = self.send_payload({ "method": "GET", "uri": "analysis", }) return result['payload']['analyses'] def get_analysis(self, name): return Analysis(self, name) def get_optimizer(self): return Optimizer(self)
[docs] def create_analysis(self, response_name, analysis_name, transform="No Transform"): """Creates an analysis for a response. :param str response_name: The name of the response to analyze. :param str analysis_name: The desired name for this analysis. :param str transform: The transform to apply to the response for this analysis. The default is "No Transform". """ reply = self.send_payload({ "method": "POST", "uri": "analysis/create", "response_name": response_name, "analysis_name": analysis_name, "transform": transform, }) return Analysis(self, analysis_name)
[docs] def delete_analysis(self, analysis_name): """Deletes an analysis. :param str analysis_name: The name of the analysis to delete. """ self.send_payload({ "method": "DELETE", "uri": "analysis/delete", "analysis_name": analysis_name })
[docs] def create_response(self, response_name, response_units="", response_format="General"): """Creates a response. :param str response_name: The desired name of the response. :param str response_units: The response units. :param str response_format: The format of the response values in the user interface. The default is "General". """ reply = self.send_payload({ "method": "POST", "uri": "design/response/create", "response_name": response_name, "response_units": response_units, "response_format": response_format }) return Response(self, response_name)
[docs] def list_responses(self): """Returns a list of all response names in the current design. Use :func:`get_response` to retrieve response settings and row data. :Example: >>> import statease as se >>> se_conn = se.connect() >>> se_conn.list_responses() ["R1", "R2"] """ result = self.send_payload({ "method": "GET", "uri": "design/response", }) return result['payload']['responses']
[docs] def get_response(self, name): """Retrieves a response from the current design. :param str name: The name of the response. Case insensitive. :rtype: statease.response.Response :Example: >>> import statease as se >>> se_conn = se.connect() >>> se_conn.get_response("CFU") name: “CFU” units: “per cm^2” length: 20 """ return Response(self, name)
[docs] def delete_response(self, response_name): """Deletes a response. :param str response_name: The name of the response to delete. """ self.send_payload({ "method": "DELETE", "uri": "design/response/delete", "response_name": response_name })
[docs] def create_factor(self, factor_name, factor_levels = [-1,1], factor_type = "numeric", categoric_type="nominal"): """Creates a factor. :param str factor_name: The name of the factor. :param list factor_levels: The actual levels of the factor. For continuous factors this should simply be [low, high]. For categoric or discrete factors this should be a list of all valid factor levels. The default is [-1, 1]. :param str factor_type: The type of the factor. The default is "numeric". :param str categoric_type: If the factor type is "categoric", this will set type of categoric factor (e.g. nominal or ordinal). The default is "nominal". """ reply = self.send_payload({ "method": "POST", "uri": "design/factor/create", "factor_name": factor_name, "factor_levels": factor_levels, "factor_type": factor_type, "categoric_type": categoric_type }) return Factor(self, factor_name)
[docs] def list_factors(self): """Returns a list of all factor names in the current design. Use :func:`get_factor` to retrieve factor settings and row data. :Example: >>> import statease as se >>> se_conn = se.connect() >>> se_conn.list_factors() ["A", "B", "C"] """ result = self.send_payload({ "method": "GET", "uri": "design/factor", }) return result['payload']['factors']
[docs] def get_factor(self, name): """Retrieves a factor from the current design. :param str name: The name of the factor. Case insensitive. :rtype: statease.factor.Factor :Example: >>> import statease as se >>> se_conn = se.connect() >>> se_conn.get_factor("n-propanol") name: “N-Propanol” units: “wt %” length: 20 """ return Factor(self, name)
[docs] def delete_factor(self, factor_name): """Deletes a factor. :param str factor_name: The name of the factor to delete. """ self.send_payload({ "method": "DELETE", "uri": "design/factor/delete", "factor_name": factor_name })
def get_design_model(self): result = self.send_payload({ "method": "GET", "uri": "design/model", }) return result['payload']['model'] def get_comments(self): result = self.send_payload({ "method": "GET", "uri": "design/comments", }) return result['payload']['comments']
[docs] def set_comment(self, row, comment): """Sets the comment on a row. :Example: >>> se_conn.set_row_comment(1, 'Bad batch') """ self.send_payload({ "method": "POST", "uri": "design/row/{}/comment".format(row), "comment": comment, })
def get_row_status(self, rows=None): result = self.send_payload({ "method": "GET", "uri": "design/row-status", "rows": rows, }) return result['payload']['row_status']
[docs] def set_row_status(self, rows, status): """Sets the status of one or more rows. :Example: >>> # ignores rows 2/4/6/8 >>> se_conn.set_row_status([ 1, 3, 5, 7], RowStatus.IGNORED) """ self.send_payload({ "method": "POST", "uri": "design/row-status", "rows": rows, "status": str(status), })