Source code for statease.analysis

from collections import namedtuple

[docs]class Analysis: """The Analysis class holds information about an Analysis in Stat-Ease 360. Instances of this class are typically created by :func:`statease.client.SEClient.get_analysis`. """ def __init__(self, client, name): self.client = client = name def __str__(self): return def __repr__(self): return self.__str__()
[docs] def predict(self, points, coded=False): """ Makes predictions at one or more points.""" result = self.client.send_payload({ "method": "POST", "uri": "analysis/" + + "/predict", "points": points, "coded": coded, }) return result['payload']
[docs] def set_model(self, model): """ Sets the model used in the analysis. """ self.client.send_payload({ "method": "POST", "uri": "analysis/" + + "/model", "model": model, })
[docs] def auto_select(self, initial_model, criterion, method, alpha=None, select_by_degree=False, **kwargs): """ Performs an auto-selection on an initial model. :param str initial_model: A model to auto-select a subset of terms from. :param str criterion: The criterion used to evaluate each sub-model. Valid options are "AICc", "BIC", "pValues", or "AdjRSquared" (case-insensitive). :param str method: The method used to select sub-models. Valid options are "Forward", "Backward", "Stepwise", and "AllHierarchical" (case-insensitive). :param float alpha: This is the alpha used to either include or exclude terms when using the "pValues" criterion. You can also pass `alpha_in` and/or `alpha_out` to set those values separately (setting both only has an effect when using the "Stepwise" method). :param bool select_by_degree: Restricts the sub-model comparisons to lower order terms before considering higher order terms. :Example: >>> result_model = analysis.auto_select('A+B+C+AB+BC+ABC', 'BICc', 'Backward') >>> print(result_model) >>> "A+B+AB" """ payload = { "method": "POST", "uri": "analysis/" + + "/autoselect", "model": initial_model, "criterion": criterion, "select_method": method, "select_by_degree": select_by_degree, } if kwargs.get("alpha_in", alpha): payload["alpha_in"] = kwargs.get("alpha_in", alpha) if kwargs.get("alpha_out", alpha): payload["alpha_out"] = kwargs.get("alpha_out", alpha) result = self.client.send_payload(payload) return result['payload']
[docs] def go_to_node(self, node): """ Forces the Stat-Ease 360 GUI to display a particular node. """ self.client.send_payload({ "method": "POST", "uri": "nodes", "node": str(node), "analysis":, })
[docs] def analyze(self): """ Runs the analyses on the selected model. """ return self.get_anova()
[docs] def get_anova(self): """ Retrieves an AnovaResults object for this analysis. """ return AnovaResults(self.client,
[docs] def get_diagnostics(self): """ Retrieves an DiagnosticsResults object for this analysis. """ return DiagnosticsResults(self.client,
class AnovaResults: def __init__(self, client, analysis_name): self.client = client self.analysis_name = analysis_name result = self.client.send_payload({ "method": "GET", "uri": "analysis/" + self.analysis_name + "/anova", }) self.terms = [] for k, v in result['payload'].items(): if k == 'terms': for term_dict in v: term = namedtuple('Term', iter(term_dict.keys()))(**term_dict) self.terms.append(term) else: setattr(self, k, v) def __str__(self): return """R2: {r2} Adj R2: {adjr2} Pred R2: {predr2} PRESS: {press} BIC: {bic} AICc: {aicc} Terms: {terms}""".format( r2=self.r2, adjr2=self.adj_r2, predr2=self.pred_r2,, bic=self.bic, aicc=self.aicc, terms=self.terms, ) class DiagnosticsResults: def __init__(self, client, analysis_name): self.client = client self.analysis_name = analysis_name result = self.client.send_payload({ "method": "GET", "uri": "analysis/" + self.analysis_name + "/diagnostics", }) for k, v in result['payload'].items(): setattr(self, k, v) def __str__(self): return """Actual: {actual} Predicted: {predicted} Residuals: {residuals} """.format( actual=self.actual, predicted=self.predicted, residuals=self.residuals, )