Graph Resolution: Changes the picture resolution.
3D Graph Shading: Alters the appearance for 3D graphs.
Contour Graph Shading: Alters the appearance for contour graphs.
3D Y-Axis Offset From Base: The relative height the 3D plot is above the drawing base.
Show projection lines from design points on 3D Graph: Toggle to turn the surface attachment “whiskers” on or off.
Show Contour grid lines: Overlays a grid on the contour plot at the axis tick marks.
Show 3D graph grid lines: Displays a grid at the tick marks on the walls of a 3D projection.
Use gradient fill shading for:
Use reflection model: When checked enables the options below.
Show Mesh: When reflection models are in use the mesh is optional. Try it, see which way you like best.
Light source intensity: Setting this to 1 makes the light so bright that all colors are washed away. Setting to 0 turns off the light source making the surface black.
Ambient constant: The amount of light “reflected” when the light would not actually encounter the surface at a given point. Setting this to 1 causes the surface to “glow” white. Setting this to zero causes covered points (including the underside) to appear darkly shadowed.
Diffuse constant: The amount of light reflected when the light does encounter the surface at a given point. Setting this to 1 causes points directly in the light to glow at full intensity. Setting to 0 only uses the ambient and specular settings.
Specular constant: The amount of light reflected along the angle of incidence from the light source to the observer. Setting to 1 produces white outs on the surface. Setting to zero produces no change to the surface given the light, ambience and diffusion settings above.
Specular exponent: A scaling exponent for the Specular constant. Has no effect when the Specular constant is either 0 or 1.
Light Source X, Y, Z: The direction the light is shining from. Setting these to the mid-point means the light is shining from within the graph points. This allows ambient glow, and specular projection (rather than reflection), but no diffusion.