
What’s New

Here are just a few of the many new features in this upgraded version of Stat-Ease software. See the full changelog for a detailed list.

Gaussian Process Models for Noisy Responses (Stat-Ease 360® only)

  • Gaussian Process models are now available for responses with noise.

Excel Import/Export

  • Previously a Stat-Ease 360 only feature, you can now export or import your design data directly to or from an Excel file in Design-Expert as well.

Lifetime Analysis with Weibull (Stat-Ease 360® only)

  • A Python script that can perform lifetime analysis with a Weibull fit is available in the Script dialog. Stat-Ease 360 only.

Transpose Tables

  • Most tables in the software can now be transposed by right-clicking on the top-left header cell.

Analysis Summary

  • You can now quickly compare Lack of Fit and Curvature p-values across different analyses from the Analysis Summary.